The Extent of the Social Studies Female Teachers’ Knowledge of Physical, Geological, and Astronomical Concepts Required For Teaching Social Studies at the Secondary Stage and Their Attitudes Towards It


  • أمل سعيد علي قانع القحطاني| Amal Saeed Ali Qana al-Qahtani السعودية



Physical Concepts, Geological Concepts, Astronomical Concepts, Social Studies, Attitudes.


The study aimed to recognize the extent of the social studies female teachers’ knowledge of physical, geological, and astronomical concepts required for teaching social studies at the secondary stage and their attitudes towards it. The study sample consisted of 120 social studies female teachers at the secondary stage, and the study tools consisted of a test of physical, geological, and astronomical concepts. This test was prepare based on its aim and was divided into three parts. The first part dealt with the physical concepts and included fourteen multiple choice questions and six marriage questions. The second part dealt with the geological concepts and included fourteen multiple choice questions and six marriage questions. The third part dealt with astronomical concepts and included fourteen multiple choice questions and six marriage questions. The second tool, the attitudes scale towards these concepts, was prepared based on its aim and consists of three dimensions. The first dimension (attitude towards physical concepts) includes ten phrases, the second dimension (attitude towards geological concepts) includes ten phrases, and the third dimension (attitude towards astronomical concepts) includes ten phrases. The study finds that the social studies female teachers at the secondary stage have a low level of knowledge of the physical, geological, and astronomical concepts included in the books and have a negative attitude towards these concepts.

Author Biography

أمل سعيد علي قانع القحطاني| Amal Saeed Ali Qana al-Qahtani, السعودية

مناهج وطرق تدريس استاذ مشارك


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How to Cite

Amal Saeed Ali Qana al-Qahtani أ. س. ع. ق. ا. (2021). The Extent of the Social Studies Female Teachers’ Knowledge of Physical, Geological, and Astronomical Concepts Required For Teaching Social Studies at the Secondary Stage and Their Attitudes Towards It. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 12(35).

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