The Degree of Application of Excellence Leadership in Palestinian Universities in Light of the European Excellence Model (EFQM) from the Point of View of Administrative Leaders and their Faculty Members


  • Seham radi hamad Al-Quds University
  • Mahmoud Ahmed abu samra Al-Quds University



excellence, excellence leadership, EFQM, Palestinian universities, administrative leaders, faculty members


Objectives: The study aims to reveal the degree of application of excellence leadership in Palestinian universities in light of (EFQM) Model from the point of view of administrative leaders and their Faculty Members, and to identify the estimates of individuals in the study sample for the level of application of excellence leadership, according to some variables.

Methods: The study followed the descriptive analytical method. The researchers developed a questionnaire consisting of (67) items in three areas: orientation, implementation, and results. It was applied to a sample chosen by a random stratified method consisting of (463) individuals, representing 9% of the study population of (5108) From administrative leaders and faculty members.

Results: The study found that the degree of applying leadership excellence was high, and that there were statistically significant differences at the level (α=.05) in the degree of implementing leadership excellence. attributed to gender in favor of males, and there are no statistically significant differences attributed to job title, academic qualification. The results showed that there are statistically significant differences attributed to the type of university, where the differences were in favor of private universities compared to private universities. Government and public, and there are no differences between public and public universities.

Conclusion: The study recommends applying the EFQM model, in self-evaluation of educational institutions, and taking the evaluation results into development and building future plans.

Author Biographies

Seham radi hamad, Al-Quds University

PhD Student

Mahmoud Ahmed abu samra, Al-Quds University



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How to Cite

hamad, S. radi, & abu samra, M. A. (2024). The Degree of Application of Excellence Leadership in Palestinian Universities in Light of the European Excellence Model (EFQM) from the Point of View of Administrative Leaders and their Faculty Members . Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 15(45).

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