Analysis of Couples Needs and Expectations Toward Marriage Counseling: A Field Study in Hebron Governorate


  • Mohammad Jawabra Al-Quds Open University
  • Kamal Salama Al-Quds Open University



Marital Counseling, Needs, Expectations, Couples


Objective: The aim of the current study was to identify the needs and expectations of couples towards marital counseling in Hebron Governorate, in addition to examining differences in the means of estimates of the study sample regarding couples' needs for marital counseling and their expectations from it across variables (gender, age, educational level, and family economic status).

Methodology: The study utilized the analytical descriptive method, and a purposive sample of married couples in Hebron Governorate was selected from those attending the Family Protection Directorate, the Social Development Directorate, and the Family Protection Police, amounting to (375) couples in Hebron Governorate.

Results: The results showed that the level of demand for marital counseling among couples in the Hebron Governorate was high, and the expectations of couples towards marital counseling programs were also high. Furthermore, the results indicated no differences in the level of demand for marital counseling attributed to variables such as gender and age, while differences attributed to educational level were evident, favoring individuals with lower educational qualifications. Similarly, economic level differences favored those with moderate incomes.

Conclusion: The study recommended the necessity of enhancing the mechanisms of marital counseling programs while ensuring their confidentiality.

Author Biographies

Mohammad Jawabra, Al-Quds Open University

PhD student

Kamal Salama, Al-Quds Open University



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How to Cite

Jawabra, M., & Salama, K. (2024). Analysis of Couples Needs and Expectations Toward Marriage Counseling: A Field Study in Hebron Governorate. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 15(45).

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