The Degree of Practicing Visionary Leadership Among School Principals in the Education Directorate of Yatta from the Teacher’ Pointview


  • Ashraf Mohammad Abu Khayran Al-Quds University
  • Hana Musa Samir Ministry of Education



School principals, Yatta Directorate of Education, visionary leadership


Objectives: The study aimed to identify the degree of practicing visionary leadership among school principals in the education directorate of Yatta, from the teachers’ point of view.

Objectives: The study aimed to identify the degree of practicing visionary leadership among school principals from the teachers’ point of view.

Methods: The researchers used the descriptive analytical method, employing a questionnaire consisting of four domains: the availability of anticipatory thinking competencies, the availability of anticipatory vision-building competencies, the availability of anticipatory communication competencies, and the availability of anticipatory leader competencies as agents of change. Each domain contained six items, making the questionnaire composed of 24 items. The study population consists of all teachers in the Education Directorate of Yatta, totaling. The study sample included 309 teachers. The selection was made using stratified random sampling from the study population.

Results: The study results indicated that the degree of practicing visionary leadership by school principals according to their teachers' perspectives, was high in all domains. Additionally, the study found no statistically significant differences in the estimates of the study sample individuals regarding the degree of practicing visionary leadership by school principals based on variables such as gender, school gender, years of experience, academic qualification, and specialization.

Conclusions: The study recommended enhancing managers' practices of visionary leadership in schools in general, strengthening risk management aspects among principals, and addressing resistance among staff.

Author Biographies

Ashraf Mohammad Abu Khayran, Al-Quds University

Associate Professor

Hana Musa Samir , Ministry of Education



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How to Cite

Abu Khayran, A. M., & Samir , H. M. (2024). The Degree of Practicing Visionary Leadership Among School Principals in the Education Directorate of Yatta from the Teacher’ Pointview. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 15(45).

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