Mental Health Problems Among Nurses Working in Shift System


  • Faten Mustafa Balbisi Al-Quds Open University
  • Mohammad Ahmad Shaheen Al-Quds Open University



work, nurse, shift, mental health, nursing


Objectives: This study aims to identify the effects of shift work on the mental health of nurses, as nursing is a demanding profession exposing them to stressful situations due to work pressures, long hours, and varying times, making them more susceptible to physical and mental illnesses.

Methodology: The study utilizes the descriptive-analytical approach, and the study sample was selected using the simple random method, consisting of 180 nurses working in private, governmental, and non-governmental hospitals, using a scale to measure mental health problems.

Results: The results show that the average of mental health problems among hospital nurses working in shift systems is 1.48, with a percentage of 49.3%, and a moderate level. The field of physical symptomscame in first place, while the field of “social functions” came in last place. The results indicate that there are no statistically significant differences between the averages of mental health problems and their fields due to: gender, educational qualification, or years of experience.

Conclusion: The study recommends providing psychological support for nurses, equipping facilities to alleviate nurses' psychological stress, increasing nurse staffing to reduce working hours and stress, conducting awareness campaigns on work stress and coping strategies for nurses, as well as improving the physical work environment for nursing staff.

Author Biographies

Faten Mustafa Balbisi, Al-Quds Open University

PhD student

Mohammad Ahmad Shaheen, Al-Quds Open University



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How to Cite

Balbisi, F. M., & Shaheen, M. A. (2024). Mental Health Problems Among Nurses Working in Shift System. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 15(45).

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