Habits of Mind among the Students of the Field Training of the Majors of Learning Difficulties and Primary Education at the Arab Open University


  • د. حسين محمد أبو رياش | Dr. Hussein Muhammad Abu Rayash Arab Open University
  • د. خالد محمد الجندي | Dr. Khalid Muhammad Aljundi Arab Open University


Habits of the Mind, Field Training, Practical Education.


The current study aimed at identifying the level of Habits of the mind among the field- training students enrolled in the majors of Learning Difficulties and Primary Education at the Arab Open University (Jordan Branch) . The sample of the study consisted of 289 students, 135 from the major of Learning Difficulties and 154 students from the major of Primary Education. To achieve the goal of this study, the researchers developed a measurement tool for the sixteen habits of the mind according to Arthur Costa’s model, using the descriptive approach. The results indicated that the sample of the study possessed a high level of habits of the mind. The results also showed statistically significant differences at 0. 05 between the means of the performance of field training students and practical education students, in favor of primary education female students.



DOI: 10.33977/1182-011-029-001

Author Biographies

د. حسين محمد أبو رياش | Dr. Hussein Muhammad Abu Rayash, Arab Open University

برنامج التربية- الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

أستاذ مساعد- تصص علم النفس التربوي (تعلم وتعليم)

د. خالد محمد الجندي | Dr. Khalid Muhammad Aljundi, Arab Open University

الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

برنامج التربية

النربية الخاصة



How to Cite

Dr. Hussein Muhammad Abu Rayash د. ح. م. أ. ر. |, & Dr. Khalid Muhammad Aljundi د. خ. م. ا. |. (2020). Habits of Mind among the Students of the Field Training of the Majors of Learning Difficulties and Primary Education at the Arab Open University. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 11(29). Retrieved from https://journals.qou.edu/index.php/nafsia/article/view/1552

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