The Role of School Administration in Activating Educational Technology Tools in Irbid Governorate’s Public Secondary Schools from the Teachers’ Perspective
School Administration, Educational Technology Tools, Irbid Governorate.Abstract
The study aimed to reveal the role of school administration in activating educational technology tools in public secondary schools in Irbid Governorate from the teachers’ perspective. To achieve the study’s objectives, the researcher prepared a questionnaire, which consisted of 30 items. The sample of the study consisted of 826 secondary school male and female teachers in Irbid governorate schools. The study results showed that the role of school administration in activating the use of educational technology tools in public secondary schools was moderate. The results indicated no differences in the role of school administration in activating educational technology tools due to variables of gender and scientific qualification. The study also showed differences due to the practical experience variable in favor of those with ten years or more experience. Based on the study results, the researcher recommends reinforcing the role of school administration in activating the use of educational technology tools by preparing training courses and programs for school administrators and teachers.
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