The Effect of Using Visual Thinking Strategy (VTS) in Improving Critical Thinking in Mathematics Among Preparatory School Students in Iraq


  • أ. نعيم عجيمي البدري | Mr. Naeem Agmy AL-Badry Yarmouk University
  • أ.د. علي محمد الزعبي | Prof. Ali AL-Zoubi Yarmouk University
  • أ.د. غازي ضیف لله رواقة | Prof. Ghazi Rawagah Yarmouk University


Visual Thinking Strategy (VTS (, Critical Thinking, Mathematics, Middle School.


The present study was designed to explore the effectiveness of the Using Visual Thinking Strategy (VTS (in improving critical thinking in Mathematics among Preparatory School Students in Iraq. The study population was all male students in the academic year 2018- 2019 from all public middle schools of Dhi- Qar Governorate, whereas, the sample of the current research included 50 male students divided into two groups: the experimental group included 25 students who used VTS, while the control group included 25 students who used the normal way of teaching. The critical thinking test was used to measure the degree of the five- dimensioned critical thinking skills development: recognition of assumptions, deduction, inference, evaluation of arguments, revealed inaccuracies and errors. Results showed a significant difference at a≤0.05 on students in developing their critical thinking by using VT (in favor of the experimental group.



DOI: 10.33977/1182-011-029-009

Author Biography

أ. نعيم عجيمي البدري | Mr. Naeem Agmy AL-Badry, Yarmouk University

 وماجستير مناهج الرياضيات وطرق تدريسها جامعة ال البيت الاردن

بكلوريوس كلية التربية| قسم الرياضيات جامعة ذي قار العراق



How to Cite

Mr. Naeem Agmy AL-Badry أ. ن. ع. ا. |, Prof. Ali AL-Zoubi أ. ع. م. ا. |, & Prof. Ghazi Rawagah أ. غ. ض. ل. ر. |. (2020). The Effect of Using Visual Thinking Strategy (VTS) in Improving Critical Thinking in Mathematics Among Preparatory School Students in Iraq. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 11(29). Retrieved from

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