The Degree of Using Instructional Technology Innovations by Secondary Stage Teachers at Northern al - Mazar Schools in Jordan
Instructional Technology Innovations, Secondary School Teachers at Northern al - MazarAbstract
This study aimed at identifying the degree of using instructional technology innovations by secondary stage teachers in light of some variables. The sample consisted of 317 male and female teachers at northern al - Mazar education directorate, chosen using the availabile sampling method, for the second semester of the academic year 2018/ 2019, the researcher used a descriptive approach.
In order to achieve the study objectives, the researchers used the scale of teacher - knowledge of technology (TKT) through applying the dimension of using instructional technology innovations.
The results indicated that the degree of using instructional technology innovations among the secondary stage teachers was high. There were no statistical significant differences related to gender, experience, and scientific qualification.
The researcher recommends intensifying training courses for male and female teachers to acquaint them with new experiences in the field of instructional technology.
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