The Habits of Mind Included in Geography Textbooks for the Basic Stage in Jordan (Analytical Study)


  • لؤي أحمد خويله| Luay Ahmad Kwaileh Ministry of Education
  • دعاء خليل أبو سعده| Doaa Khalil Abo Sadah UNRWA Schools



Habits of Mind, Basic Stage, Geography Textbooks.


This study aims to reveal the degree of inclusion of the habits of mind included in the geography textbooks for the basic stage of the sixth to tenth grade and identify how they are distributed, the level of sequence, and continuity in the books. To achieve this goal, the researchers followed the descriptive-analytical method, where they prepared the study instrument, which included sixteen habits of mind built by Costa and Kallick (2012): Persistence, managing impulsivity, listening with understanding and empathy, thinking flexibility, thinking about thinking, striving for accuracy and precision, questioning and posing problem, applying past knowledge to a new situation, think and comminuting with clarity and precision, gathering data through all senses, creating, imagery and innovating, responding with wonder and awe, taking responsible risks, finding humor, thinking interdependently, learning continuously. These habits were verified and validated, and then the geography textbooks were analyzed for the basic stage. The results of the study showed that mental habits were included randomly, and that there is a great disparity in contrast ratios. Some habits were included in high percentages, some in low percentages, some were not included in any book, and the level of sequence and continuity was low in their inclusion.


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ثالثاً: المصادر والمراجع الأجنبية

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How to Cite

Luay Ahmad Kwaileh ل. أ. خ., & Doaa Khalil Abo Sadah د. خ. أ. س. (2021). The Habits of Mind Included in Geography Textbooks for the Basic Stage in Jordan (Analytical Study). Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 12(34).

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