The Impact of Reading Comprehension Skills Application on Secondary-stage Grade (11) Students’ Understanding of Shari’a Texts and motivation for the Islamic Education Subject


  • محمود أحمد مصطفى| Mahmoud Ahmad Moustafa جامعة الزرقاء



reading comprehension skills, Shari’a texts, Islamic Education Subject.


The study aimed to reveal The Impact of Reading Comprehension Skills Application on Secondary-stage Grade (11) Students’ Understanding of Shari’a Texts and motivation for the Islamic Education Subject. The study sample comprised of (70) students subdivided into two groups: (36) Experimental Group members and  (34) Control Group members. Following the quasi-experimental approach and in fulfilment of the study objectives, the researcher developed a special tool, whose validity and reliability had been verified, for applying reading comprehension skills to understanding of Shari’a texts. The ANOVA test was used for statistical data processing; the independent-samples T-Test was used to gauge motivation.  The study concluded that there were statistically significant differences on the reading comprehension skills posttest and motivation scale in favor of the experimental group. In the light of the study findings, the researcher drew up some main recommendations: first, adopting reading comprehension skills in teaching Islamic Education, in general, and in analyzing and understanding Shari’a texts (i.e. Quranic verses and Hadiths), in particular; second, incorporating such skills in the programs of curricular development and teacher training institutions.

Author Biography

محمود أحمد مصطفى| Mahmoud Ahmad Moustafa, جامعة الزرقاء

استاذ مساعد كلية العلوم التربوية - جامعة الزرقاء

مناهج وطرق تدريس


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How to Cite

Mahmoud Ahmad Moustafa م. أ. م. (2021). The Impact of Reading Comprehension Skills Application on Secondary-stage Grade (11) Students’ Understanding of Shari’a Texts and motivation for the Islamic Education Subject. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 12(33).

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