The Value System Included in Jordan History Textbooks for Secondary Stage: An Analytical Study


  • لبنى خالد القيمري| Lubna Khaled Al Qimarie وزارة التربية والتعليم في المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية
  • أمل سليم صندوقه| Amal Saleem Sandoqa وزارة التربية والتعليم / الأردن



Values, Jordan History Books, Content Analysis.


 The study aimed to examine the value system included in Jordan history textbooks for the secondary stage in Jordan represented by the units of analysis: Paragraph, sentence, word, question, image. It adopted the descriptive-analytical method - the content analysis method - and the study community and its sample consisted of Jordan history textbooks for the secondary stage. A list of values system was included in Jordan’s history books, where the list included six main areas: Values: social, religious, ethical, economic, national, and knowledge values, in addition to the content analysis form. The study tool’s validity and reliability have been verified. The study recommended the necessity of paying attention to including the largest possible number of national values in Jordan’s history textbooks for the secondary stage. It also recommended that history teachers be taught the importance of focusing on the values included in Jordan’s history textbooks.


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How to Cite

Lubna Khaled Al Qimarie ل. خ. ا., & Amal Saleem Sandoqa أ. س. ص. (2021). The Value System Included in Jordan History Textbooks for Secondary Stage: An Analytical Study. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 12(33).

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