The Effectiveness of an Irrational Beliefs Elimination Based Counseling Program on Reducing Loneliness and Marital Future Anxiety Among University College Students of Rufaida for Supporting Professions Female Students


  • أمل صالح قزق| Amal Saleh Qozoq
  • غاندي محمود محمد الرياحنة| Gandih Mahmoud AL-Rayahneh



Counseling Program, Loneliness, Marital Future Anxiety, Irrational Beliefs, University Colleges Female Students.


The aim of the study was to examine the effectiveness of an irrational beliefs elimination based-counseling program on reducing loneliness and future marital anxiety among university college students of Rufaida for supporting professions for female students at Zarqa'. To achieve the objective of the study, a purposeful sample was selected consisting of 30 female students randomly assigned into two study groups: Experimental and control groups. A loneliness scale and a marital future anxiety scale were developed. Validity and reliability for both scales were obtained. Furthermore, an irrational beliefs elimination-based counseling program was constructed. The results of the study indicated high levels of loneliness and future marital anxiety among university college students of Rufaida for supporting professions for female students. The results of the study indicated statistically significant differences between the means scores of the experimental and control study groups in loneliness and future marital anxiety posttests. The results of the study indicated that the counseling program maintained its positive effects on the posttest and the follow-up scores after 1 month. The study recommended the need to include courses addressing wellbeing, future marital anxiety, and irrational beliefs in the syllabus.

Author Biographies

أمل صالح قزق| Amal Saleh Qozoq

فاعلية برنامج إرشادي يستند على تفنيد الافكار اللاعقلانية  في تخفيض الوحدة النفسية وقلق المستقبل الزواجي لدى طالبات كلية رفيدة الجامعية للمهن الطبية المساندة

د. أمل صالح قزق                      

      الإرشاد النفسي والتربوي                           

دكتور مساعد                                    

وزارة الصحة الأردنية. 

*Dr-Amal Saleh Qozoq

Counseling                                             Psychological and Educational

Assistant Doctor

Ministry of Health

[email protected]


**د. غاندي محمود محمد الرياحنة

الإرشاد النفسي والتربوي

دكتور مساعد

مركز اطلس الشرق لتنمية القدرات


Gandih Mahmoud AL-Rayahneh Dr-**

Counseling     Psychological and Educational

Assistant Doctor

Atlas Autism

[email protected]

غاندي محمود محمد الرياحنة| Gandih Mahmoud AL-Rayahneh

محاضر مساعد/ جامعة مؤتة/ الأردن


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How to Cite

Amal Saleh Qozoq أ. ص. ق., & Gandih Mahmoud AL-Rayahneh غ. م. م. ا. (2021). The Effectiveness of an Irrational Beliefs Elimination Based Counseling Program on Reducing Loneliness and Marital Future Anxiety Among University College Students of Rufaida for Supporting Professions Female Students. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 12(35).

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