The Degree Which School Principle Employ Electronic Adminitration in Administrative Work and the Obstacles of Employing It from Their Viewpoint in Public and Private Schools in the Bani Obeid District’s Education Directorate


  • تيسير محمد الصقر Tayseer Mohammad Alsaqer وزارة التربية والتعليم



School principals, electronic administration, administrative business, obstacles, Bani Obeid District


This study aimed to reveal the degree of employing electronic administration by school principals in administrative work and the obstacles of employing it from their viewpoint in public and private schools at Bani Obeid District’s Education Directorate (Irbid Governorate- Jordan). To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher used the descriptive survey approach utilizing two tools: A questionnaire to reveal the degree of employing electronic administration in administrative work and a questionnaire to reveal the obstacles to employing electronic administration. The sample of the study consisted of 103 male and female principals selected purposely. The results of the study showed that the degree of employing electronic administration as a whole, and in all domains from the viewpoint of school principals, was moderate. The results indicated no differences in the public and private schools’ principals’ viewpoint about the degree of employing electronic administration in administrative work due to the school variables public and private. The results showed that the obstacles of employing electronic administration from the school principals’ viewpoint were moderate as a whole, ranging from high in the domains of administrative and human obstacles and low in the domains of financial and technical obstacles. Based on the study results, the researcher recommends setting solutions to the obstacles that limit the employment of electronic administration in administrative work, especially regarding administrative and human obstacles.

Author Biography

تيسير محمد الصقر Tayseer Mohammad Alsaqer, وزارة التربية والتعليم

أستاذ مساعد


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How to Cite

Tayseer Mohammad Alsaqer ت. م. ا. (2021). The Degree Which School Principle Employ Electronic Adminitration in Administrative Work and the Obstacles of Employing It from Their Viewpoint in Public and Private Schools in the Bani Obeid District’s Education Directorate. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 12(36).

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