The Effectiveness of the Wheatley Model of Problem-Centered Learning Acquiring Mathematical Concepts Among Sixth Grade Students


  • ليث أحمد بني ملحم| Laith Ahmad Bani-Melhem جامعة اليرموك
  • مأمون محمد الشناق| Mamoon Muhammad Al-Shannaq جامعة اليرموك
  • طارق يوسف جوارنة| Tariq Youssef Jawarneh جامعة اليرموك



The present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of the Wheatley model for problem-centered learning in acquiring mathematical concepts for 6th graders' basic students by teaching the "Integers Number " unit in Jordan, where the study sample was a


The present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of the Wheatley model for problem-centered learning in acquiring mathematical concepts for 6th graders' basic students by teaching the "Integers Number " unit in Jordan, where the study sample was a Convenience Sample. The number of its members comprised 60 students from schools affiliated with the "Koura Brigade" in "Irbid governorate". According to the Wheatley model, two classes were randomly chosen from three classes and randomly divided into two equal control and experimental groups. The equivalence of the two study groups was verified, and the researchers prepared a Mathematical concepts acquisition test according to Davis levels which consist of 20 multiple choice types, its validity and reliability have been verified, and the teacher's guide has been prepared to teach the unit of " Integers Number" based on this model. The results of the study showed that there are significant differences at the level of α £0.05 between the means for the students in the experimental and the control groups on the acquisition of mathematical concepts in the first and second levels of Davis levels and the overall test in favor of the experimental group. In light of the results, the researchers recommended that mathematics teachers should be trained at all educational levels on this model because of its effectiveness in acquiring mathematical concepts.

Author Biography

ليث أحمد بني ملحم| Laith Ahmad Bani-Melhem, جامعة اليرموك

طالب دكتوراة


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How to Cite

Laith Ahmad Bani-Melhem ل. أ. ب. م., Mamoon Muhammad Al-Shannaq م. م. ا., & Tariq Youssef Jawarneh ط. ي. ج. (2021). The Effectiveness of the Wheatley Model of Problem-Centered Learning Acquiring Mathematical Concepts Among Sixth Grade Students. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 12(35).

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