The role of Public School Principals in Facing the Difficulties of Integrating Students with Special Needs According to the Special Education Law 2018 Within the Green Line from the Point of View of Principals and Teachers


  • ميسون قاسم ملحم| Maison Qasem Melhem
  • صالح ناصر عليمات| Saleh Naser Oleimat أستاذ دكتور/جامعة اليرموك/ الأردن
  • ماجدة فوزي ابو الرب| Majeda F. Abu Al Rub أستاذ مشارك/جامعة اليرموك/ الأردن



School Principals, Facing Difficulties in Integrating Students with Special Needs, Special Education Law 2018, Green Line.


The study aimed to identify the role of government school principals in facing the difficulties of integrating students with special needs according to the Special Education Law 2018 within the Green Line from the viewpoint of principals and teachers. As well as revealing the statistical differences in the role of government school principals in facing the difficulties of integrating students with special needs according to the Special Education Law 2018 within the Green Line from the point of view of principals and teachers due to the impact of the variables of gender, educational qualification, years of experience, educational stage, job. To achieve the goals of the study and answer its questions, a descriptive approach was used. The study sample was chosen in a simple random way representing the study community, during the school year 2019-2020, with a rate of 10% of the study community. The study sample consisted of 510 respondents. The results showed that the role of government school principals in facing the difficulties of integrating students with special needs according to the Special Education Law 2018 within the Green Line from the point of view of principals and teachers was large, as the results showed that there was no statistically significant difference at the level of statistical significance α = 0.05 on the role of government school principals in facing the difficulties of integrating students with special needs according to the Special Education Law 2018 within the Green Line from the point of view of principals and teachers according to the gender variable, the experience variable, and the variable of the educational stage. The results showed the presence of a difference according to the job variable, where the differences were in favor of the director category.

Author Biography

ميسون قاسم ملحم| Maison Qasem Melhem

طالبة دكتوراه/جامعة اليرموك/ الأردن


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How to Cite

Maison Qasem Melhem م. ق. م., Saleh Naser Oleimat ص. ن. ع., & Majeda F. Abu Al Rub م. ف. ا. ا. (2021). The role of Public School Principals in Facing the Difficulties of Integrating Students with Special Needs According to the Special Education Law 2018 Within the Green Line from the Point of View of Principals and Teachers. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 12(33).

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