The Academic Self-Efficacy and Its Relationship with Emotional Intelligence Among Jordanian University Students in Jordan


  • إيلاف هارون رشيد شلول| Elaf Haroun Rashid Shlool جامعة حائل



Academic Self-Efficacy, Emotional Intelligence, Jordanian University Students.


This study aimed to reveal academic self-efficacy and its relationship with emotional intelligence among Jordanian University students in Jordan. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher used an academic self-efficacy scale and an emotional intelligence scale. The study sample consisted of 976 male and female students from the Jordanian University. The results of the study showed that the level of self-efficacy as a whole came at a moderate level, and the level of emotional intelligence as a whole came among students of the Jordanian University at a high level. The results indicated that there was a positive correlation between the level of emotional intelligence, in all its fields, and the level of academic self-efficacy as a whole among students of the Jordanian University. Based on the results of the study, the researcher recommends holding training courses to raise the level of self-efficacy and emotional intelligence among university students.

Author Biography

إيلاف هارون رشيد شلول| Elaf Haroun Rashid Shlool, جامعة حائل

استاذ مساعد/ كلية التربية/ قسم علم النفس


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How to Cite

Elaf Haroun Rashid Shlool إ. ه. ر. ش. (2021). The Academic Self-Efficacy and Its Relationship with Emotional Intelligence Among Jordanian University Students in Jordan. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 12(34).

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