The Role of Social Media in the Psychological and Social Adaptation Among a Sample of Palestinians During the Coronavirus (Covid-19) Crisis Field Study


  • أريج جهاد أبو عجمية| Areej Jehad Abuajamia فلسطينية



Social Media, Psychological and Social Adaptation, Coronavirus (Covid-19) Crisis.


This study aimed to identify the role of social media in psychological and social adaptation among a sample of Palestinians during the coronavirus (covid-19) crisis. The study group included 302 Palestinians that live randomly in the West Bank during quarantine. By using a scale for psychological and social adaptation, the results showed that the role of social media in the psychological and social adaptation was medium, where it came first the health adaptation with a high average, followed by emotional adaptation, then self, then family, and social with a medium average of each. The results also indicated no statistically significant differences in the dimensions of emotional, self, family, and social adaptation. However, there were differences in the health adaptation according to gender in favor of males. There were no differences according to social status in health, emotional, family, and self-adaptation, but there were differences according to social status in the social adaptation in favor of the married. There were also differences according to the number of hours of using social media in emotional, self, family, and social adaptation in favor for less than two hours. However, according to the number of hours of using social media in the health adaptation, there were no differences.

Author Biography

أريج جهاد أبو عجمية| Areej Jehad Abuajamia, فلسطينية

أستاذ مشارك


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How to Cite

Areej Jehad Abuajamia أ. ج. أ. ع. (2021). The Role of Social Media in the Psychological and Social Adaptation Among a Sample of Palestinians During the Coronavirus (Covid-19) Crisis Field Study. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 12(35).

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