The Spiritual Intelligence and Its Relationship with Religiosity Among Yarmouk University Female Students in Jordan


  • إيلاف هارون رشيد شلول| Elaf Haroun Rashid Shlool جامعة حائل



Spiritual Intelligence, Religiosity, Yarmouk University, Jordan.


This study aimed to reveal spiritual intelligence and its relationship with religiosity among Yarmouk University female students in Jordan. To achieve the objectives of the study, the relational descriptive approach was followed through the use of the spiritual intelligence scale consisting of 70 items, and the religiosity scale consisting of 22 items. The study sample consisted of 1287 female students in Yarmouk University, where it was chosen using the simple random way. The results of the study showed that the level of spiritual intelligence was at a high degree, and the level of religiosity was at a moderate degree. The results indicated that there was a positive correlative relationship between the level of spiritual intelligence and the religiosity among Yarmouk University female students in Jordan.

Author Biography

إيلاف هارون رشيد شلول| Elaf Haroun Rashid Shlool, جامعة حائل

استاذ مساعد/ كلية التربية/ قسم علم النفس


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How to Cite

Elaf Haroun Rashid Shlool إ. ه. ر. ش. (2021). The Spiritual Intelligence and Its Relationship with Religiosity Among Yarmouk University Female Students in Jordan. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 12(35).

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