Relative Contribution of Social Support in Prediction of Posttraumatic Growth and Self-Esteem Among the Mothers of Martyrs of the March of Return in the Gaza Strip




Social support, posttraumatic, growth, self–esteem, mothers of Martyrs of the Return March.


The study aimed to identify the relative contribution of social support in the prediction of posttraumatic growth and self–esteem among the mothers of the martyrs of the March of Return in the Gaza Strip 2018/ 2019. The study sample consisted of 99 mothers of the martyrs, selected through a simple random sample from the main sample community. To achieve the study objectives, three scales were used, the scale of social support, the scale of self–esteem which was prepared by the researcher, and the scale of posttraumatic growth by Althahabi and Alnasrawi (2017). The descriptive-analytical method was employed, and the results were as follows: The level of each social support, posttraumatic growth, and self–esteem among mothers of martyrs was moderate. The friends’ support dimension was the highest dimension of social support, while the religious and spiritual changes dimension were the highest among dimensions of posttraumatic growth. Meanwhile, self–esteem also was the highest. It can be possible to predict posttraumatic growth in light of social support but not possible to predict self-esteem in light of social support among mothers of martyrs of the Return March in the Gaza Strip.

Author Biography

عبدالله عبدالهادي الخطيب Abdullah Abdulhadi Alkhatib, جامعة الاقصى

أستاذ مساعد


أولاً: المصادر والمراجع العربية

القران الكريم

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How to Cite

Abdullah Abdulhadi Alkhatib ع. ع. ا. (2021). Relative Contribution of Social Support in Prediction of Posttraumatic Growth and Self-Esteem Among the Mothers of Martyrs of the March of Return in the Gaza Strip. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 12(36).

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