The Effectiveness of a Counselling Program Based on Reflective Writing on Reducing Mental Disorders Associated with Breast Cancer


  • محمد فخري العملة Mohammed Fakhri Amleh جامعة الخليل
  • نبيل جبرين الجندي Nabil Jebreen Jondi جامعة الخليل



Reflective-writing, mental disorders, breast cancer, Hebron Governorate


The study aims at identifying the effectiveness of a counseling program based on reflective writing on re-ducing mental disorders associated with breast cancer in the Hebron governorate. Moreover/ the study examined the differences in degrees related to these disorders according to age, educational level, and economical family level. The study uses the quasi-experimental design and was conducted on a sample of 30 women with breast cancer in the Hebron governorate, with 15 women in the experimental group, and 15 women in the control group. The counseling program, which consists of 11 sessions, was applied to the participants. The results showed no differences in the mental disorders among the two groups (control group and experimental group) on the pre-test. As for the post-test, differences in the mental disorders among women with breast cancer are found in the average of mental disorders between the two groups in favor of the experimental group. The study also showed no differences between the averages of the men-tal health disorders due to age. However, differences are found in the academic qualification and eco-nomic level; patients whose academic degree is a diploma, bachelor or higher, and whose economic level is high have lower levels of mental disorders.

Author Biographies

محمد فخري العملة Mohammed Fakhri Amleh, جامعة الخليل


نبيل جبرين الجندي Nabil Jebreen Jondi, جامعة الخليل

أستاذ دكتور


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How to Cite

Mohammed Fakhri Amleh م. ف. ا., & Nabil Jebreen Jondi ن. ج. ا. (2021). The Effectiveness of a Counselling Program Based on Reflective Writing on Reducing Mental Disorders Associated with Breast Cancer. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 12(36).

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