The Problems Facing Female Teachers in Male Schools at The Basic Education Stage in Irbid Governorate from The Teachers’ Point of View


  • نجاح عبدالله عمايرة| Najah Abdullah Amayreh جامعة اليرموك - الاردن



Teachers’ Problems، Boys’ Schools، Public Schools، The Lower Elementary Stage.


The study aimed to uncover the problems that female teachers face in male public schools in the lower elementary stage in the governorate of Irbid from the teachers’ viewpoint. To achieve this goal، the researcher prepared a semi-formal interview tool consisting of ten questions، following qualitative research methodology and rooted theory. The researcher interviewed 21 female teachers out of 227 female teachers working in male public schools affiliated to the Directorate of Education in Irbid Governorate. After analyzing the interviews، the results show that the most important problems for female teachers who teach in male schools، from their point of view، vary accordingly: In the first place، problems originating from students includes three sub-categories، followed by the second group of problems of the source of female teachers which include two sub-categories. The problems that originate from the school administration are ranked third and include three categories، and finally، problems that arise from the parents include one main group، which is the last. A set of recommendations are presented in light of the results، the most important of which are: The need to improve the school environment for students، provide a school environment in which public spaces and facilities are available، modern technologies are used، the feminization phase be limited to the first three grades only، double the role of parents، continuous communication between parents and the school by reducing students’ problems، and provide courses and programs that raise the efficiency of teachers.

Author Biography

نجاح عبدالله عمايرة| Najah Abdullah Amayreh, جامعة اليرموك - الاردن


نجاح عمايرة طالبة دكتوراة في جامعة اليرموك

قسم المناهج وطرق التدريس - كلية التربية - جامعة اليرموك 

المهنة : مديرة مدرسة حكومية في وزارة التربية والتعليم الاردنية 



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How to Cite

Najah Abdullah Amayreh ن. ع. ع. (2021). The Problems Facing Female Teachers in Male Schools at The Basic Education Stage in Irbid Governorate from The Teachers’ Point of View. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 12(35).

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