The Effect of Six Thinking Hats Strategy in Developing Critical Thinking Skills Among University College Female Students at Ranyah in Taif University


  • هدوى محمد سلام الشراري| Hadwa Mohmmad Salam Al-Sharari جامعة الطائف



Six Thinking Hats Strategy, Critical Thinking Skills, De Bono.


This study aimed to reveal the effect of the six thinking hats strategy in developing critical thinking skills among female university college students at Ranyah in Taif University. The researcher relied on her design of the two equivalent groups, the experimental group and the control group, using a quasi-experimental design with the introduction of a post-measurement method for the performance of the two groups then a tracer measurement two weeks after the end of the experiment. The sample of the study consisted of 60 female students, distributed equally into two groups. An experimental group studied the six thinking hats strategy, and a control group which did not receive any training except regular university lectures. To achieve the objectives of this study, the California critical thinking test was administrated as a pre and post measure on both groups. The results of the study showed that there were differences in all sub-skills and the overall degree for the test of critical thinking, attributed to the group, in favor of the experimental group. There were no differences attributed to post and follow-up measures at all sub-skills and the whole degree of the test.

Author Biography

هدوى محمد سلام الشراري| Hadwa Mohmmad Salam Al-Sharari, جامعة الطائف

قسم علم النفس

استاذ مساعد


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How to Cite

Hadwa Mohmmad Salam Al-Sharari ه. م. س. ا. (2021). The Effect of Six Thinking Hats Strategy in Developing Critical Thinking Skills Among University College Female Students at Ranyah in Taif University. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 12(35).

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