The Level of Psychological Empowerment Among the Elderly in Irbid Governorate in Light of Some Variables
Psychological Empowerment, Elderly.Abstract
The study aims to investigate the level of psychological empowerment among the elderly in light of some variables. To achieve the goal of the study, a descriptive method is used through the psychological empowerment scale that has been developed, validity and reliability are ensured. The sample consists of 197 (60 males, 137 females) from the elderly population who live in Irbid Governorate and the rural surroundings. The result showed that the level of psychological empowerment came at a moderate level. There are statistically significant differences in the level of psychological empowerment in favor of the workers. Also, there are statistically significant differences in the level of psychological empowerment in favor of the gender (males), and no statistically differences in favor of social status.
أولاً: المصادر والمراجع العربية
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