The Role of Primary Education Teachers in Reducing the Phenomenon of Bullying


  • الاء تيسير بني نصر Ala’a Tayseer Bani Naser جامعة حائل



Teachers, primary education, school bullying.


This study aimed to identify the role of primary education teachers in reducing the phenomenon of bullying. The sample of the study consisted of 666 teachers, which was selected by the stratified random method. In order to achieve the study objectives, an instrument was developed consisting of 42 items, distributed into three fields, the teacher gender variable, academic qualification, and the Directorate of Education. The results showed that the role of primary education teachers to reduce the phenomenon of bullying was of a moderate degree, and the existence of significant differences in the role of the teacher to reduce the phenomenon of bullying due to the gender variable in favor of females. However, the qualification was in favor of higher studies, and the directorate was in favor of the Jarash directorate. The study recommended the following: Subject primary education teachers to training programs to deal with the phenomenon of bullying within the school, activating and updating the school discipline law in an ongoing manner, and clarifying the mechanism for dealing with bullying.

Author Biography

الاء تيسير بني نصر Ala’a Tayseer Bani Naser, جامعة حائل

أستاذ مساعد


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How to Cite

Ala’a Tayseer Bani Naser ا. ت. ب. ن. (2021). The Role of Primary Education Teachers in Reducing the Phenomenon of Bullying. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 12(36).

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