Emotional Balance and Its Relationship to Psychological Stress Among a Sample of Students from the International Islamic Sciences University in Jordan
Emotional balance - psychological stress.Abstract
The current study aims to identify the relationship between emotional balance and psychological pressures and detect differences on a sample of members in the psychological balance scale and between high and low-stress averages. The study sample consists of 250 university students, including 104 males and 146 females. The results of the study indicated that the overall degree of emotional balance level is high, with a relative weight of 75.87. In contrast, there is a negative correlation and statistical function between emotional balance and psychological pressures. There are statistically significant differences between the average student’s grades on the emotional balance scale due to the variable of awareness in favor of males. There are statistically significant differences attributable to high and low psychological pressures in which differences favor low psychological pressures and become clear from the hypothesis predictive ability of emotional balance through psychological pressures. The study recommended strengthening the culture of emotional balance in students by providing extracurricular activities, volunteering, qualitative programs, and organizing effective and specialized training courses on effective methods of reducing psychological stress.
أولاً: المصادر والمراجع العربية
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