The Level of Application of Self-Management and Its Obstacles at Public Schools in Palestine from the Viewpoint of the Principals
Level of application, self-management, public schools.Abstract
The aim of this study is to identify the level of application of school self-management and its obstacles at Public schools in the Salfeet Governorate as some changes have happened. The sample of the study includes 67 headmasters and headmistresses. Furthermore, the study employed the descriptive and analytic approach and uses a questionnaire of 57 items about seven different fields. The study shows that the level of application of school self-management at Salfeet Governorate was overall high, while it was middle regarding granting powers, and teachers and students affairs. However, it was high in both the knowledge management field, follow-up, and accounting field. In addition, the study shows there were no differences concerning the study variables related to gender and experience. In conclusion, the study recommends the importance of giving the principals more powers in the field of granting powers.
أولاً: المصادر والمراجع العربية
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