Symptoms of Psychological Disorders among Diabetics in Palestine


  • Rashid M. Arar Assistant Professor/ Palestine Ahliya University/ Palestine
  • Taisir M. Abdallah Professor/ Al - Quds University/ Palestine



Symptoms of mental disorders, diabetes, SCL - 90, Palestinian health


The current study aims to reveal the most common symptoms of mental disorders among people with diabetes in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in Palestine. The sample consists of 160 patients: 91 males and 69 females who visit the Ministry of Health clinics. The researchers adopt the descriptive - analytical method and the psychiatric and mental symptoms checklist scale (SCL - 90). The results indicate that the symptoms of mental disorders come to a low sore on mental health among people with diabetes, whereas the highest are the symptoms of psychosomatic disorders, depression, and anxiety, respectively. The results reveal no statistically significant differences in symptoms of mental disorders among people with diabetes due to their place of residence (West Bank and Gaza). In contrast, the results show statistically significant differences in all dimensions of the SCL - 90 scale due to the marital status except the dimension of hostility. There is a negative statistically significant correlation between symptoms of psychological disorders and their educational level. The study recommends that there is a need to build educational programs for people with diabetes and their families and conduct routine examinations for individuals for early diagnosis.


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How to Cite

Arar, R. M. ., & Abdallah, T. M. . (2022). Symptoms of Psychological Disorders among Diabetics in Palestine. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 13(38).

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