Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms Among Divorced Women in Amman and the Differences in It According to Some Demographic Variables


  • Baha’ Suhail Shawaqfeh Ph.D. student \ University of Jordan\ Jordan
  • Abdallah Salem Al-Mahaireh Associate Professor\ The University of Jordan\ Jordan



Social anxiety disorder symptoms, social anxiety, divorced women


This study aims to identify the level of social anxiety disorder symptoms among divorced women in Amman and identify its differences according to the variables: Duration of divorce, age, educational level, number of children, economic status, duration of marriage. The study follows the descriptive - analytical approach, and the study sample consists of 378 divorced women selected using a simple random sample. Moreover, the social anxiety disorder symptoms scale is developed to achieve the study’s objectives and verify its validity and reliability.
The results show a high level of social anxiety disorder symptoms among divorced women in Amman, and differences according to the duration of the divorce in favor of one year or less, educational level in favor of masters and bachelors degrees, number of children in favor of women without children, the economic situation in favor of moderate level, and duration of marriage in favor of one year or less, and more than 19 years. However, there are no differences according to age.
The study recommends providing a preventive, curative, and empowerment program for divorced women in Amman.
Keywords: Social anxiety disorder symptoms, social anxiety, divorced women.


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How to Cite

Shawaqfeh, B. S. ., & Al-Mahaireh, A. S. (2022). Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms Among Divorced Women in Amman and the Differences in It According to Some Demographic Variables. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 13(38).

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