Constructing a Criterion - Referenced Test in Mathematics Using the Three–Parameter Logistic Model




Math test, limits and continunity, criterion - referenced test, cutoff score, item response theory


This study aimed to construct a criterion - referenced test in mathematics using the Three Parameters Logistic Model. To achieve this aim, 35 multiple - choice items with four alternatives were prepared. A sample of 968 students responded to the items. One item with a negative discrimination was deleted. In addition, 3 items did not fit the used model. The value of Livingstone’s coefficient was equal to 0.83. Test empirical reliability coefficient was 0.833. The assumptions of the model were verified. The results also indicated that items parameters estimations comprising difficulty, discrimination, and guessing were acceptable within the indexes available in educational measurement literature. Cut off score using the Angoff method was equal to 22. The researcher recommended taking advantage of the methodology used in building the test to build tests for other courses.


قائمة المصادر والمراجع

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How to Cite

Olimat, M. M. . (2022). Constructing a Criterion - Referenced Test in Mathematics Using the Three–Parameter Logistic Model. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 13(38).

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