The Level of Science Books Inclusion Prescribed for Students of the Upper Basic Stage of the International Dimensions (Pisa)


  • Mohammed F. Abu Owda Associate Prof/ Islamic University of Gaza/ Palestine
  • Noor E. AL Nabeh Researcher/ Islamic University of Gaza/ Palestine
  • Somayah F. Ziyadah Researcher/ Islamic University of Gaza/ Palestine



Science books inclusion, primary grades, PISA dimensions


The current research aims at investigating the degree Pisa dimensions inclusion in the Science textbooks adopted for primary grades in Palestine for the academic Year 2021 - 2022. The researchers adopt the descriptive - analytical approach. The tool used is the analysis list of Pisa dimensions. The Science textbooks of ninth and tenth grades are analyzed based on the Pisa dimensions list.
Results reveal that the PISA dimensions’ percentage of tenth grade is 60.06% higher than the percentage of ninth grade, which is %39.94. Moreover, the results of dimensions show that the Scientific Knowledge dimension of the ninth grade is 12.11%, while the tenth grade is 19.33. The Knowledge Skills dimension of the ninth grade is 24.15%, while the tenth grade is 30.66%. The Attitudes Towards Science dimension of the ninth grade is 3.68%, while the tenth grade is %10.06.
The study recommends that there is a great need to include scientific activities based on the international dimensions of Pisa in the Science curriculum to cope with the recent developments and enhance the students’ skills in all aspects. It also recommends benefiting from the current study results in developing the Science Curricula for the ninth and tenth grades.
Keywords: Science books inclusion, primary grades, PISA dimensions.


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How to Cite

Abu Owda, M. F. ., AL Nabeh, N. E. ., & Ziyadah, S. F. . (2022). The Level of Science Books Inclusion Prescribed for Students of the Upper Basic Stage of the International Dimensions (Pisa) . Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 13(38).

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