Systemic Thinking and its Relationship to Educational Agility Among Special Education Teachers in Riyadh at the Kingdom of Saudi Arabi


  • Asma Farraj bin Khelaiwi جامعة شقراء
  • Zuhair Abdul Hamid El-Nawajiha
  • Ibrahim Sulaimanm Masri


Systemic thinking, educational agility , special education teachers


The study aimed to identify the level of systemic thinking and educational agility, verify the correlation between them, and reveal the differences in systemic thinking and educational agility according to the variables of gender, and years of experience. The study sample consisted of 128 teachers of special education in the city of Riyadh. The researchers used the systemic thinking scale prepared by the researchers, and the educational agility scale prepared by Yazıcı, & Özgenel, (2021).The results showed that the systemic thinking and educational agility came at a high level. The results showed a direct statistically significant relationship between systemic thinking and educational agility. There were differences in the dimensions of self-regulation of time management, internal regulation of behavior. The overall degree of systemic thinking came in favor of females. There were no statistically significant differences in the systemic thinking according to the variable of years of experience, and there were no differences in the educational agility according to the variable of gender and experience years

Author Biography

Asma Farraj bin Khelaiwi, جامعة شقراء

Asma Farraj bin Khelaiwi

Associate Professor \Shaqra University \ Kingdom of Saudi Arabi


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How to Cite

bin Khelaiwi, A. F., El-Nawajiha, Z. A. H., & Masri, I. S. (2022). Systemic Thinking and its Relationship to Educational Agility Among Special Education Teachers in Riyadh at the Kingdom of Saudi Arabi. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 13(40). Retrieved from

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