(STEAM) Recruitment Approach in The Palestinian Elementary Schools


  • Randa Elsheikh Najdi جامعة القدس المفتوحة
  • Mohamed Shareef Abu Maleeq Faculty of Technology and Applied SciencesAl-Quds Open University, Palestine
  • Rania Hussein Sabri جامعة القدس المفتوحة
  • Thabit Sulaiman Sabbah جامعة القدس المفتوحة


(STEAM)/STEM strategy, first basic stage, Palestinian classes.


The study aimed to apply the educational (STEAM) approach to primary school in Palestine. The study was conducted in three phases, in which the descriptive, experimental, and analytical research approaches were followed. An educational unit entitled "Light and Electricity" was designed according to the (STEAM) approach, teachers were trained to implement the unit. The study was conducted on a sample of (28) elementary students. The Wilcoxon test was used to analyze the data. The study revealed that using (STEAM) approach resulted in students' development in problem solving, exploratory learning, teamwork, and raising higher-order thinking skills and creativity. The study recommended applying (STEAM) to a larger number of schools and increasing the diversity of activities in order to disseminate the results, in addition to the need to overcome obstacles and challenges and provide the necessary needs to implement this approach on a large scale in Palestinian schools. The study revealed some obstacles, such as; the lack of teachers' knowledge of the (STEAM) and its teaching and learning strategies, in addition to the reluctance of some schools to apply it due to lack of time, and lack of teacher preparation.

Author Biography

Mohamed Shareef Abu Maleeq, Faculty of Technology and Applied SciencesAl-Quds Open University, Palestine

Assistant Professor, Computer Science

Faculty Member, Faculty of Technology and Applied Sciences

Al Quds Open University 




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How to Cite

Najdi, R. E., Abu Maleeq, M. S., Sabri, R. H., & Sabbah, T. S. (2022). (STEAM) Recruitment Approach in The Palestinian Elementary Schools. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 13(40). Retrieved from https://journals.qou.edu/index.php/nafsia/article/view/3971

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