Psychological Hardness and its Relationship to Future Anxiety on a Sample of Quarantined and Infected People Due to COVID-19 Pandemic in Gaza Strip


  • Isam Abdalghani Alamoudi
  • Masood Abdel-Hamid Hego


Psychological hardness,, , future anxiety, corona pandemic.


consisted of 378 respondents who were quarantined and injured as a result of the pandemic.

The results of the study showed that the total degree of psychological hardness of the research sample was moderate, and the total degree of future anxiety was medium.

The results revealed an inverse correlation between the degree of psychological hardness and the degree of future anxiety.  The results of the study also indicated that there were no differences in the averages of each of the psychological hardness of the research sample, according to the variables of  age, place of residence, except for the gender variable in favor of males after the commitment dimension. There were no differences for the variables of age, place of residence, except for the gender variable in favor of males with the dimension of future anxiety, and in favor of females with the dimension of general anxiety

Author Biographies

Isam Abdalghani Alamoudi

Associate professor \ Al-Quds Open University\Palestine

Masood Abdel-Hamid Hego

  Master student \ Al-Quds Open University \ Palestine


قائمة المصادر والمراجع

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How to Cite

Alamoudi, I. A., & Masood Abdel-Hamid Hego. (2022). Psychological Hardness and its Relationship to Future Anxiety on a Sample of Quarantined and Infected People Due to COVID-19 Pandemic in Gaza Strip . Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 13(40). Retrieved from

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