Gravitophobia and its Relationship to Self-Concept Among Female Regular University Students


  • Diana Husain Dodeen Hebron University
  • Nabil Jibreen AlJondi Hebron University



Gravitophobia, fatophobia, personality disorders, eating disorders, Self concept


The study aimed to identify the relationship between gravitophobia and self-concept among regular university students in Hebron Governorate. The study was conducted on a stratified random sample of (310) male and female students. The gravitophobia scale and the self-concept scale were applied to the study sample, after validating their psychometric properties. The study concluded that the levels of gravitophobia among students of Hebron University and Palestine Polytechnic university were moderate, and anorexia nervosa level ranked first, bulimia nervosa came next, and obsessive-distortion came in the last.

The results also showed that the degree of self-concept among both Hebron University and Palestine Polytechnic students was low. Moreover, the results showed a negative relationship between gravitophobia and its dimensions on the one hand, and self-concept on the other, in addition to the existence of differences in bulimia nervosa due to the university variable, in favor of Hebron University students.

Author Biographies

Diana Husain Dodeen, Hebron University

Master’s Student

Nabil Jibreen AlJondi, Hebron University



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How to Cite

Dodeen, D. H., & AlJondi, N. J. (2023). Gravitophobia and its Relationship to Self-Concept Among Female Regular University Students. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 14(42).

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