The Status of Social Intelligence and its Relationship with the Leadership Styles of Principals in Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate


  • Mahmoud Abu Samra جامعة القدس
  • Yahya Mohammad Nada جامعة القدس المفتوحة
  • ِAbdalnasser Yahya Nada جامعة القدس


Social intelligence, Leadership style, Ramallah and Al-Bireh governorate.


The Study aimed to know the Status of Social intelligence and its Relationship with the Leadership Style of Principals in Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate, and determining the differences in the Status of Social Intelligence and the prevailing Leadership Style according to the different variables of the study (Supervising authority, Gender, Educational qualification, Years of experience, Training courses in the field of leadership), to achieve this goal the researcher adopted the descriptive analytical method, the study sample consisted of (102) principals in the schools of Ramallah and Al-Bireh, and the study tool (the questionnaire) was distributed in a stratified random manner to the study sample. The results of the study showed that the arithmetic mean of the study sample’s ratings on the social intelligence scale as a whole was (4.38), with a very high rating. The field of "social awareness" ranked first, while "social communication skills" ranked last. The results indicated that the "Democratic leadership style" is the dominant and the most common style, with a mean of (4.49), and a very high level. The results of the study showed a positive relationship between the status of social intelligence and the democratic leadership style of principals in Ramallah and Al-Bireh, and no relationship between the status of social intelligence and the autocratic leadership style and the permissive leadership style of school principals in Ramallah and Al-Bireh governorate, and the results showed that there were no statistically significant differences between the estimates of school principals in Ramallah and Al-Bireh governorate for the reality of their social intelligence, and for the prevailing leadership style due to the variables (Supervising authority, Gender, Educational Qualification, Years of service, Training courses), and the absence of statistically significant differences for the prevailing leadership style due to the variables (supervising authority, gender, educational qualification, years of experience, training courses in the field of leadership). Based

on the results, the study recommended the necessity of involving principals in attempts to resolve teachers’ disputes in school matters, and the need for the Ministry of Education to move towards decentralization, so that principals can follow the democratic approach, and delegate their powers to their employees

Author Biographies

Mahmoud Abu Samra , جامعة القدس

\ Palestine Professor \Al-Quds University

Yahya Mohammad Nada, جامعة القدس المفتوحة

\ Palestine Professor \Al-Quds University

ِAbdalnasser Yahya Nada, جامعة القدس

\ Palestine Professor \Al-Quds University


قائمة المصادر والمراجع

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How to Cite

Samra , M. A., Nada, Y. M., & Nada ِ. Y. (2022). The Status of Social Intelligence and its Relationship with the Leadership Styles of Principals in Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 13(40). Retrieved from

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