The degree of employing the of Cognitive Strategies Stimulants in teaching through virtual classes by teachers of the upper basic from their perspective


  • Nedal Fayez Abdelghafoor جامعة القدس المفتوحة / جنين


employment, , stimulants, cognition strategies, teaching, virtual classes


   The study aimed to investigate the degree of employing Cognitive Strategies Stimulants in teaching through virtual classes by teachers of the upper basic stage, the study was followed the descriptive analytical method. The researcher implemented an questionnaire on a sample of (294) teachers.

       The results showed:

- The responses of the teachers at the level of the tool and the first and second domains (the tribal cognition strategies stimuli domain, and the cognitive strategies stimuli domain during learning) came in large degree, with an average of (3.40, 3.48, 3.44) respectively, as for the third domain (the domain of stimuli of dimensional cognition strategies) came with a medium degree, with an arithmetic average of (3.295).

- There were no statistically significant differences due to the sex variable at the level of the tools and its three domains

- There were statistically significant differences due to the educational qualification at the level of the tool and  its three domains , in favor of teachers who hold higher academic degrees .

- There were differences due to the  years of experience at the level of the tool and its three fields, which came in favor of teachers with more than 10 years of experience, and 5-10 years.

Author Biography

Nedal Fayez Abdelghafoor, جامعة القدس المفتوحة / جنين

Associate Professor\Al-Quds Open University \Palestine


قائمةُ المصادر والمراجع:

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How to Cite

Abdelghafoor, N. F. (2022). The degree of employing the of Cognitive Strategies Stimulants in teaching through virtual classes by teachers of the upper basic from their perspective. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 13(40). Retrieved from

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