The level of including the dimensions of sustainable development in science textbook for the sixth grade in Saudi Arabia


  • Ashwaq Fahad Almutairi جامعة الملك سعود
  • Sozan Hussain Haj Omar


Sustainable development, environmental, social, and economic dimensions


The objective of the research is to identify the level of inclusion of sustainable development dimensions in the content of the sixth-grade science textbook. The researcher used the descriptive analytical approach. The content analysis tool was adopted from Alshaby (2018), which was designed for measuring sustainable development dimensions and had 67 indicators, distributed on three dimensions: The environmental dimension, the social dimension, and the economic dimension. The tool has been confirmed for validity and reliability. The research sample was represented by the society, which was the content of sixth grade Science textbook with its first and second semester copies (1442 Edition). The research found that the environmental dimension of sustainable development was included at a high level, with a repeat rate of 74 and 44.85%, while both social and economic dimensions were included at an average level, with a repeat rate of 50 and 30.3% for the social dimension, 41 and 24.8% for the economic dimension. The research concluded with  a set of recommendations and proposals, most notably was the enrichment of science textbooks with sustainable development activities, and the inclusion of science writing in Sustainable Development Issues to increase students' awareness of them.

Author Biographies

Ashwaq Fahad Almutairi, جامعة الملك سعود

Master Student\ King Saud University\ Saudi Arabia                 

Sozan Hussain Haj Omar

Prof.\King Saud University\ Saudi Arabia


قائمة المراجع

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How to Cite

Almutairi, A. F., & Haj Omar, S. H. (2022). The level of including the dimensions of sustainable development in science textbook for the sixth grade in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 13(40). Retrieved from

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