Decision-making Methods and Their Relationship to Change Leadership Among Faculty Members in Faculties of Educational Sciences in Universities in Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate in Palestine


  • Fatima Dawood Shtayyeh ادارة تربوية
  • Mohamed Ahmad Shaheen


Decision-making, change leadership, faculties of educational sciences


The study aims to identify the decision-making methods and their relationship to change leadership among faculty members in the faculties of educational sciences in universities in Ramallah and Al-Bireh governorate in Palestine, using the descriptive correlative approach, through the application of two csales: decision-making methods, and change leadership, on an intentional sample consists of 68 members of the teaching staff.

The results show that the most common decision-making methods among faculty members is the logical method, and the average of the change leadership is (4.00), with a high-level equivalent to a percentage of (80.0%). The results also show no statistically significant differences at significance level (α≥.05) on the total score and the sub-domains of the

change leadership due to gender, while there are statistically significant differences on the total degree of the change leadership and its domains: (future vision, encouragement of change) due to years of experience, and the existence of a statistically significant correlation between change leadership and its domains with the methods of each of: (avoidance, dependency, spontaneity on the one hand). In light of the results, the researchers recommend the need to reconsider the quality of professional development programs that are concerned with providing faculty members in educational faculties with skills and experiences that help them in leading change and making effective decisions, and involving stakeholders, including faculty members, in the change process to ensure Multiple visions, enriching the process of change, reducing resistance, and spreading a culture of change

Author Biography

Mohamed Ahmad Shaheen

Professor \Al-Quds Open University\ Palestine


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How to Cite

Shtayyeh, F. D., & Shaheen, M. A. (2022). Decision-making Methods and Their Relationship to Change Leadership Among Faculty Members in Faculties of Educational Sciences in Universities in Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate in Palestine. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 13(40). Retrieved from

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