Decision- Making Effectiveness for Principals of Public Secondary Schools in Palestine From Their Point of View


  • Zaher Sudqi Mohammad Mousa Arab American University



Effectiveness, decision- making, public secondary school principals, gender, Palestine


The study aimed to identify the degree of decision- making effectiveness for principals of public secondary schools in Palestine, in addition to the differences in the effectiveness of decision- making depending on gender variables, administrative experience and interaction between them. To achieve this, the study was conducted on a sample of 108 headmasters and headmistresses from a community of 260 headmasters and headmistresses. A questionnaire was applied to measure the effectiveness of decision- making consisting of 36 paragraphs distributed over four areas: the field of announcing the decision and its follow- up, the field of participation in the decision, the field of preparation for decision- making, and the field of consultation and deliberation in decision- making. The results of the study showed that the overall degree of decision- making effectiveness of public secondary school principals in Palestine was relatively high 68. 29%. The results also showed that there are no significant differences in the effectiveness of decision- making among public secondary school principals in Palestine due to the gender variable, and the interaction between the variables of administrative experience and gender, and there are significant differences due to the variable of administrative experience in favor of 10 years and more. The study recommended the need to consult experienced and competent school principals, especially in difficult decisions, and involve teachers in the decision- making process, and discuss suggestions and alternatives.

Author Biography

Zaher Sudqi Mohammad Mousa, Arab American University

Ph.D student


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How to Cite

Mousa, Z. S. M. (2023). Decision- Making Effectiveness for Principals of Public Secondary Schools in Palestine From Their Point of View. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 14(41).

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