Professional Maturity and its Relationship to Achievement Motivation Among Arab Secondary School Students in Rahat City


  • Nabil Jebreen Jondi جامعة الخليل
  • Reem Hammad Abu Hammad


Achievement motivation, professional maturity, secondary stage, Rahat city


This study aimed to investigate the relationship between professional maturity and achievement motivation among Arab secondary school students in Rahat city. The study examines the differences of professional maturity according to gender, grade, and field of study, using the descriptive approach. The professional maturity questionnaire and the achievement motivation questionnaire were developed, the psychometric properties were confirmed and applied on a stratified sample of 400students. The study revealed that the level of professional maturity was medium, and the level of achievement motivation was high. The findings of the study showed a positive correlation between professional maturity and achievement motivation. Also, there were no differences in professional maturity due to the student’s gender, and grade. In addition, there were differences in the professional maturity among secondary school students due to the academic branch in favor of the scientific branch students.

The study came with some recommendations such as the need to train students to acquire the skills of professional maturity through conducting various meaningful counseling workshops.

Author Biography

Reem Hammad Abu Hammad

Master Student\ Hebron University\Palestine


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How to Cite

Jondi, N. J., & Abu Hammad, R. H. (2022). Professional Maturity and its Relationship to Achievement Motivation Among Arab Secondary School Students in Rahat City. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 13(40). Retrieved from

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