Group Counseling in the Palestinian Public Schools Between Reality and Hope, Schools of the Directorate of Education, Qabatiya as a Model: A Qualitative Study


  • Yasmin Nabil Mousa Al-Quds Open University
  • Mohammad Ahmad Shaheen Al-Quds Open University



Group counseling, a qualitative study, Palestinian public schools


The study aims to identify the reality of group counseling in the Palestinian public schools in terms of analyzing the reality of practice, and identifying the trends of educational counselors towards practicing group counseling in schools. The study as well identifies the obstacles that limit its application, and predicting the future of the practice of collective counseling in public schools.

The study population consists of all educational counselors working in the Palestinian public schools in the Directorate of Education in Qabatiya. The study sample includes 39 counselors selected by a simple random sampling method. The researcher used the qualitative approach, where data were collected for this study by the focus groups method. The results showed that 69.2% of educational counselors do not currently practice group counseling in schools, and their attitudes towards this practice are generally positive to moderate. It is indicated from the focus group discussions that the majority of educational counselors have obstacles in practicing group counseling in public schools. In addition, 90% of counselors expressed the possibility of applying collective counseling in the future, but within certain determinants related to improving the counseling reality. The study recommends preparing a guide for counselors on the practice of collective counseling in schools.

Author Biographies

Yasmin Nabil Mousa, Al-Quds Open University

PhD student

Mohammad Ahmad Shaheen, Al-Quds Open University



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How to Cite

Mousa, Y. N., & Shaheen, M. A. (2023). Group Counseling in the Palestinian Public Schools Between Reality and Hope, Schools of the Directorate of Education, Qabatiya as a Model: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 14(42).

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