The Degree to Which School Principals Practice the Ethics of Islamic Education from the Point of View of Their Teachers


  • Nisreen Mahmoud Mohamed Al-Bakkar Jordanian Ministry of Education



Degree of practice, teacher principals, ethics of Islamic education


Objectives: The study aimd to identify the degree to which school principals practice the ethics of Islamic education from the point of view of their teachers.

Methodology: The study adopted the descriptive approach and employed the questionnaire to collect data after verifying its validity and reliability. The study population consisted of all school teachers in the Directorate of Education of the Banu Obaid District in Irbid Governorate.

Results: The study sample consisted of 415 male and female teachers who were chosen by the available random method, for the academic year 2022/2023. The results of the study showed that the degree of school principals’ practice of Islamic education ethics from the teachers’ point of view came to a large degree, and the results of the study showed that there were no statistically significant differences. At the significance level (α ≤ .05) in the degree to which school principals practice the ethics of Islamic education due to the variable of gender, experience, and educational qualification.

Conclusion: Holding periodic courses and workshops to educate school principals about the requirements of employing the ethics of Islamic education and its activation in Jordanian schools. Develop comprehensive and achievable transformational plans, and develop them to enhance the capacities of school principals to implement the use of Islamic education ethics represented in providing quality, fair and inclusive education for all.

Author Biography

Nisreen Mahmoud Mohamed Al-Bakkar, Jordanian Ministry of Education



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How to Cite

Al-Bakkar, N. M. M. (2023). The Degree to Which School Principals Practice the Ethics of Islamic Education from the Point of View of Their Teachers. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 14(43).

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