The Impact of Using Tanal al-Qamar Strategy on Understanding the Topics of Islamic Jurisprudence Among Tenth Grade Students in the Southern Governorates - Palestine


  • Majid Mohammed Al-Dalou Al-Aqsa University



Tanal al-Qamar strategy, Islamic jurisprudence, tenth grade students


The study aims to reveal the impact of using the Tanal Al-Qamar strategy on understanding the topics of Islamic jurisprudence among the students of the tenth grade. The researcher adopts the Quasi experimental approach. The purposive study sample comprises 38 students, distributed randomly into two groups, control and experimental groups. The researcher prepares a test to understand the Islamic Jurisprudence and a Tanal al-Qamar strategy to teach the topics of |Islamic jurisprudence for 10th graders.

The results concludes that there are no statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the students of the tenth graders in the posttest for understanding Islamic jurisprudence topics attributed to the teaching strategy. On the other hand, there were statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the experimental group students in the pre/posttest for the test of understanding Islamic jurisprudence in favor of the post application, with a huge impact. The study recommended the need to train teachers on duty on how to use the Tanal al-Qamar strategy in teaching Islamic education and Shari’a subjects to develop an understanding among students, and to work on employing modern teaching strategies in teaching.

Author Biography

Majid Mohammed Al-Dalou, Al-Aqsa University

Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Al-Dalou, M. M. (2023). The Impact of Using Tanal al-Qamar Strategy on Understanding the Topics of Islamic Jurisprudence Among Tenth Grade Students in the Southern Governorates - Palestine. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 14(42).

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