The Predictive Ability of Ego Flexibility in Academic Adjustment among Al al-Bayt University Students


  • Mohammed Soleiman Bani Khaled Al al-Bayt University
  • Omar Atallah Al-Adamat Ministry of Education
  • Ahmad Mohammed Bani Khaled Ministry of Education



Ego Resilience, Academic Adjustment, Al al-Bayt University, Bachelor’s Students, Jordan


The study aimed to identify the level of ego flexibility and academic adjustment among students of Al al- Bayt University in Jordan, and to reveal the level of ego flexibility according to the variables of gender, academic specialization, or the interaction between them, as well as to reveal the predictive ability of ego flexibility in academic adjustment. The study sample consisted of (338) male and female students from Al al- Bayt University. They were selected using the available method, and to achieve the study objectives, a measure of ego flexibility developed by Vecchio et al. (2019) , and a measure of academic adjustment developed by Liran and Miller (2019). The results of the study showed that the level of ego flexibility reached a high level, and there were statistically significant differences in the level of ego flexibility due to gender variable in favor of males. There were no statistically significant differences in the level of ego flexibility due to the academic specialization variable and the interaction between sex and academic specialization. Academic adjustment came at an average level, and ego flexibility contributed to predicting (11. 9%) of the variance in academic adjustment.

Author Biographies

Mohammed Soleiman Bani Khaled, Al al-Bayt University


Omar Atallah Al-Adamat, Ministry of Education


Ahmad Mohammed Bani Khaled, Ministry of Education



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How to Cite

Bani Khaled, M. S., Al-Adamat, O. A., & Bani Khaled, A. M. (2023). The Predictive Ability of Ego Flexibility in Academic Adjustment among Al al-Bayt University Students. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 14(41).

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