Psychological Security and its Relation with Self-concept Among a Sample of Divorced Women in Hebron Governorate


  • Ahmed A. Saad Al-Quds Open University
  • Samar H al-Aqili Al-Quds Open University



Psychological security, self-concept, divorced women


The study aimed to identify the level of psychological security and the level of self-concept among a sample of divorced women in Hebron governorate, using the descriptive correlational approach, and applying the two measures: psychological security and self-concept, on an available sample consisted of 290 divorced women. The study results showed that the level of psychological security was moderate, with a relative weight of 56.59%, and that the level of self-concept was moderate, with a relative weight of 58.97%. The study also indicated that there was an inverse correlation between the degree of psychological security and the degree of self-concept among a sample of divorced women in Hebron Governorate. Besides, there were no differences between the averages of psychological security, according to the variables of work, presence of children. There were differences according to the variables of educational level, age in favor of master's degree, less than 20 years, respectively. As for self-concept, the study indicated that there are differences between the averages, according to the variable of work in favor of working, and there are differences between the averages, according to the variable of having children, educational level, and age in favor of there is a bachelor’s degree, less than 20 years, respectively.

Author Biographies

Ahmed A. Saad, Al-Quds Open University

Assistant Professor    

Samar H al-Aqili, Al-Quds Open University

PhD student


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How to Cite

Saad, A. A., & al-Aqili, S. H. (2023). Psychological Security and its Relation with Self-concept Among a Sample of Divorced Women in Hebron Governorate. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 14(43).

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