The Impact of Educational Training Programs on the Development of the Application of Educational Methods from the Perspective of Teachers in the Directorates of Education in Ma 'Adba Governorate


  • Diaa Mufleh Ali Alhawawsheh The Ministry of Education



educational training programs, teaching methods, teachers, directorates of education, Ma'adba governorate


Object: The study aimed to identify the impact of educational training programs in developing the application of educational methods from the point of view of teachers in the directorates of education in Ma'adba governorate.

Method: The researcher used the analytical prescriptive curriculum. The tool was a questionnaire distributed to teachers and teachers in government schools belonging to the directorates of education and education in Ma'adba governorate in Jordan. The study sample comprised 219 male and female teachers.

Result: The study's findings show that the impact of educational training programs on the development of the application of educational methods has been high. The results also show that there are no statistically significant differences between the averages of sample responses on the scale of the impact of educational training programs on the development of the application of educational methods according to study variables. (Six, years of experience).

Abstract: and in the light of the findings, the researcher recommended that the faculties of educational sciences should pay attention to the preparation of a well-known teacher in all aspects, including the specialized knowledge aspect (Academic), educational professional aspect, and continuing to conduct specialized and varied training courses to raise and improve teachers' pre-and-in-service level to enhance their performance and effective teaching skills.

Author Biography

Diaa Mufleh Ali Alhawawsheh, The Ministry of Education



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How to Cite

Alhawawsheh, D. M. A. (2024). The Impact of Educational Training Programs on the Development of the Application of Educational Methods from the Perspective of Teachers in the Directorates of Education in Ma ’Adba Governorate. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 15(44).

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