Indicators of Creative Leadership Among Principals of Public Schools in North Hebron
Leadership, creative leadership, school principalAbstract
This study aimed to explore the indicators of creative leadership among male and female principals of public schools north of Hebron. The researchers used the qualitative approach, semi structured interviews were conducted with 10 principals in public schools in northern Hebron. Data was analyzed through open, pivotal, and selective coding, and the categories were repeatedly compared to determine the similarity and difference until reaching the theoretical saturation. The findings indicated five dimensions of creative leadership: intellectual fluency, sensitivity to problems, perseverance, initiative at work, originality, and revealed the existence of some obstacles, including organizational, personal, social and cultural ones. In light of this, the study recommended the need to hold training courses for school principals in the field of creativity, the need for the Ministry of Education to grant administrative empowerment, and the need for an incentive system for the administration Higher education includes excellence and creativity in performance.
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