Indicators of Procrastination Behavior Among Palestinian Academics From the Point of View of Heads of Academic Departments: Palestine Ahliya University as a Model


  • Shereen M.M. Al Dabbas Palestine Ahliya University
  • Nabil Jibreen Al Jondi Hebron University



Procrastination, laziness, procrastination, positive self-management


The study aimed to explore procrastination behavior among academics in Palestinian universities from the point of view of heads of academic departments. The qualitative descriptive approach was followed, by using rooted theory to analyze the interviews conducted to eleven academic department heads. The analysis showed that procrastination behavior was minimal, there are various forms of procrastination by wasting time, not managing time effectively, or delaying and procrastinating in completing work. There are also many reasons for personal reasons, organized culture, and community culture. Opinions also varied about the possibility of modifying procrastinating behavior, with most of them giving preference to the possibility of doing so in more than one way, there was almost unanimous agreement that the responsibility for the existence of this behavior is shared between the administration, the department head and the teacher himself.

Author Biographies

Shereen M.M. Al Dabbas, Palestine Ahliya University

PhD student

Nabil Jibreen Al Jondi, Hebron University



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How to Cite

Al Dabbas, S. M., & Al Jondi, N. J. (2023). Indicators of Procrastination Behavior Among Palestinian Academics From the Point of View of Heads of Academic Departments: Palestine Ahliya University as a Model. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 14(43).

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