The Degree of Arabic Language Teachers Employing the Strategy of Conceptual Maps in Teaching Grammatical Subjects to Students of the Upper Basic Stage in the Directorate of South Hebron


  • Mousa Ahmad Farajallah Ministry of Education



Strategy, conceptual maps, grammatical topics


This study aimed to measure the degree of Arabic language teachers employing the strategy of conceptual maps in teaching grammatical subjects to students of the upper basic stage in the Directorate of South Hebron. To achieve the objectives of the study, the study used the descriptive approach. The study population consisted of all male and female teachers of the Arabic language in the upper basic stage in the Directorate of South, and their number is 450 male and female teachers, and the study sample was chosen by the random stratified method, and its number reached 213 male and female teachers, the study tool, which is a questionnaire consisting of 35 items. The study tool was applied and then analyzed statistically. The results of the study showed that the total arithmetic mean of the questionnaire items was 3.69, with a highly degree. the results of the study showed that there were no statistically significant differences at the level of statistical significance at α ≤  .5 in the arithmetic averages of the Arabic language teachers’ use of the conceptual mapping strategy in teaching grammatical subjects to students of the upper basic stage in the Directorate of South Hebron due to the variable of gender, specialization, and years of experience. The results of the study also showed that there were statistically significant differences in the arithmetic mean of the degree of employing Arabic language teachers of the conceptual maps strategy in teaching grammatical subjects to students of the upper basic stage in the Directorate of South Hebron, due to the Academic qualification variable and the holders of postgraduate degrees.

The study recommended the need to provide schools and teachers with guiding books explaining how to apply the conceptual mapping strategy in teaching, and to hold workshops on employing the mapping strategy in the educational.

Author Biography

Mousa Ahmad Farajallah, Ministry of Education



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How to Cite

Farajallah, M. A. (2023). The Degree of Arabic Language Teachers Employing the Strategy of Conceptual Maps in Teaching Grammatical Subjects to Students of the Upper Basic Stage in the Directorate of South Hebron. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 14(43).

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